Two Days In DC

DC... you've gentrified. Your 'burbs have sprawled and your traffic is insane. You were my home for 10 years. I loved your music scene, your art scene, your amazing FM radio offerings, your magnificent parks, museums and neighborhoods. There are times when I still miss you. Then I steer the car onto Rt. 66 or I495 and the longing passes.

Lovely weather, the best of the entire 3 weeks, while visiting the Nation's Capitol. Many thanks to Michael & Pat for bed & food. In between meetings with Ritz Carlton, Marriott, Hilton and others, I had an hour or so to kick around in toney, historic Georgetown. All of the great music venues... The Cellar Door, Desperados, The Bayou, are gone now. Big Brand shops and luxury boutiques now rule the strip. The only familiar, long-standing places I remember from the old days and still standing are Clydes & the Georgetown Theater. Old, historic brick row homes still line the leafy-green, cobblestone streets. 

© Tony Novak-Clifford. All rights reserved.